Meet Our Team

The Ormiston Trust is run by a dedicated group of Directors and staff, and a passionate and driven group of young people who are part of our Ormiston Youth Advisory Council.


Swiper demo
Pete Cornforth

Pete Cornforth

Peter Murray

Peter Murray

Di Murray

Di Murray

Duncan Murray

Duncan Murray

Steve Macleod

Steve Macleod



Di’s career began in the Foreign Office. She later moved to Hong Kong where she set up a Welfare Office for 8,000 Vietnamese Boat People in a Refugee Camp. In Hong Kong she also managed International Conferences for a US Company. In London and New York she worked for a PR Agency with the Director on a number of high profile accounts and at British American Tobacco she was in charge of Events both internal and sponsored for their Public Affairs Dept. Di served for several years on The Children’s Society and NSPCC Fundraising Committees. She worked as a Citizens Advice Bureau Adviser for five years. She latterly taught in higher education both mainstream students and those with Learning Disabilities.

Duncan is currently the Global Shareholding Reporting Manager for Prudential plc. He has a strong background in compliance with further knowledge of operational risk, capital markets and investment banking. Duncan has previously held positions working for BlackRock, Deutsche Bank, Tudor Capital LLP and Credit Suisse.

Steve is an expert in wealth management. He has vast experience of managing pension funds, trust funds and individual investment portfolios. He was the founder and Managing Director of the Cameron Scott Group, which by 2007 was a broad based financial Services Business with an independent financial services arm, a specialist Healthcare business plus AXA’s largest Appointed Representative business in the UK, managing over 10,000 clients. Following an acquisition by AXA he managed the transition of the Cameron Scott Group into the AXA Group’s UK Intermediary business. Steve now runs a specialist wealth management firm dealing with family trust arrangements and individual private clients.

Caroline has been in education for almost 30 years, starting as an English teacher then moving through responsibilities such as lead for Gifted and Talented, Head of Department, Head of Year, Assistant Headteacher, Vice Principal, Principal and to Executive Principal. She has covered several facets of education including: curriculum, attendance, behaviour, teaching and learning and wellbeing across six secondary schools. She has worked with several Local Authorities and Trusts, worked in governance and with charities to support life enhancing opportunities for young people. She is now retired but using her experience and roles to support the work of Ormston Trust.

Pete is an investment and development professional with over 35 years’ experience in the property sector, the last decade spent in a private equity fund. He holds a BSc in Urban Land Management from The University of Reading, has career-long professional membership of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. A particular interest in social justice and equality of opportunity has seen him hold senior non-executive positions in an NHS mental health Trust, 2 housing associations, a national learning disability Charity, and a start-up Community Benefit Society. And, against many friends’ better judgement, he’s had an independent record label, recording studio and put on indie club nights around London.

Peter founded Ormiston Trust in 1969. He is a chartered surveyor (commercial investment) and ex chair of the Westminster Volunteer Bureau and All Stars Youth Club. He has served on the Boards of Paddington Charities and Yapp Trust. For several years he worked as a volunteer for the Samaritans and as a Prison Visitor. He is the founder member of the Association of Charitable Foundations, founder chair of Ormiston Academies Trust and vice chair of Ormiston Families. Repellendus officiis facere id ea cumque minus accusamus.

Staff Team


James is the Chief Executive officer of Ormiston Trust. He has worked as an organisation advisor in the private, public...

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James Murray

Chief Executive Officer


Aneela is Programme Manager at Ormiston Trust for the #WeWill programme. Prior to joining Ormiston Trust, she was Head of Professional...

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Aneela Bukhari

Programme Manager


Karlene is Finance Manager at Ormiston Trust and has been handling the Financial Management of Ormiston...

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Karlene Rivers

Finance Manager

Youth Advisory Council Members


Ray is the Programme Coordinator at Ormiston Trust. Over the past year he has supported the development of the #iWill2 programme at...

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Ray Wang

Programme Coordinator


samia is the Grants Assistant at Ormiston Trust and in her role she supports the Grants...

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Samia Akram

Toolkit and Skills Lead


Fiona is the Grants Assistant at Ormiston Trust and in her role she supports the Grants team. Previously, she...

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Fiona Gregory

Grants Assistant


Genéa is the Communications and Events Officer at Ormiston Trust. She plays an integral role in supporting...

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Genéa Saunders

Communications and Events Officer


Melissa is a Programme Management Officer at Ormiston Trust. In her role she supports the #WeWill programme management, and works...

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Melissa Curtis

Programme Management Officer

Aneela is the Head of Education at Ormiston Trust. Prior to joining Ormiston Trust, she was Head of Professional Development and School Improvement at Beaconhouse Group, overseeing the professional development of over 8000 teachers and implementing systems for school improvement across 200 international schools, in the Southeast region. Prior to this, she worked at Universities in the UAE, where she taught on the Bachelor of Education and Diploma programmes, and previous to this she was a Lead Advisor for Nord Anglia Education services, working with head teachers and principals to raise educational standards across schools in Abu Dhabi.

James is the Chief Executive officer of Ormiston Trust. He has worked as an organisation advisor in the private, public and voluntary sectors, helping organisations to grow sustainably over the medium to long term. He has helped charities for over 20 years in the fields of strategic development, partnership setup, programme and project delivery.

Karlene is Finance Manager at Ormiston Trust and has been handling the Financial Management of Ormiston Trust since 2014. Her background is in Financial Services with 20 years working in the industry and she has a passion for systems, processes and spreadsheets to enable good finance management. 

Fiona is the Grants Assistant at Ormiston Trust and in her role she supports the Grants team. Previously, she worked in the City for 10 years, firstly as a dealer on the floor of the London Stock Exchange and then as an equity salestrader.  

Ray leads the youth engagement, partnerships and fundraising work streams at Ormiston Trust, in particular having strategic oversight of how we as an organisation can embed the voices of our young people in everything we do, and how we can work with partner organisations to maximise shared outcomes and opportunities.

His background is in community project development and funding, having worked with charities, schools, and local authorities in East Anglia to develop a plethora of projects including primary-secondary school transition, award-winning youth amateur theatre, social prescribing in rural GP practices, and youth commissioning boards, for which he was recognised as a Prime Minister’s Point of Light.

Ray is a global health and medicine graduate, alongside his work at Ormiston, he is a hospital doctor and public health academic. He is also an #iWill Ambassador and national #iWill Partnership Board member.

Samia is a business and ICT Teacher with over 20 years of leadership experience in Education, working with leaders from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 5. Her experience has ranged from working as an Acting Head Teacher to a Deputy for an Education Trust. Some of the key highlights from her education career have included building schools and setting up education provisions, including a teaching school, and winning several National awards. Samia is passionate about ensuring the young people in her care have the best possible experience and has always led by example by sending her own children to the schools she has been a part of.

Melissa is a Programme Management Officer at Ormiston Trust. In her role she supports the #WeWill programme management, and works closely with the monitoring & evaluation, social action toolkit & skills, and youth engagement teams. She completed her undergraduate degree in International Development at the University of Sussex, and her postgraduate degree in Global Health and Development at UCL. Over the last eight years, she has dedicated much of her time to working with non-profit organisations in the UK, Nigeria, China, and Tanzania.

From a young age, I’ve had a massive interest in the performing arts. Since the age of four, I have been training in this field and feel incredibly lucky to be able to further this training full-time as I am studying for a BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Performing Arts (Musical Theatre). Outside of my education, composing my own music is a massive hobby of mine. So, perhaps it comes as no surprise that one of my biggest aspirations is to have a show that I have written professionally produced.

I have been involved in Youth Social Action since I was the Secretary for the West Region in the OAT Student Voice. This led to me becoming more involved in the #WeWill campaigns. Specifically, I was the young person behind the #WeWillPerform campaign and I felt this was a fantastic opportunity to get my immense passion for performing across to more people. I have continued my involvement in youth social action since then as I completed the NCS programme over the Summer. This involved me benefitting my local community by refurbishing a mental health safe space at a local allotment. This was great as it has made me feel like I have had a lasting impact on my community.

“I would like to see more respect for creative and practical subjects in education. Often, schools tend to push students towards studying subjects such as science and maths because they are seen as “better” subjects to be qualified in despite subjects like music being proven to stimulate parts of the brain that no other subject can. Without this change, there will be a deficit of people working in creative industries in the future and when this sector contributes so much to our economy this cannot happen.”

From a young age, I’ve had a massive interest in the performing arts. Since the age of four, I have been training in this field and feel incredibly lucky to be able to further this training full-time as I am studying for a BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Performing Arts (Musical Theatre). Outside of my education, composing my own music is a massive hobby of mine. So, perhaps it comes as no surprise that one of my biggest aspirations is to have a show that I have written professionally produced.
I have been involved in Youth Social Action since I was the Secretary for the West Region in the OAT Student Voice. This led to me becoming more involved in the #WeWill campaigns. Specifically, I was the young person behind the #WeWillPerform campaign and I felt this was a fantastic opportunity to get my immense passion for performing across to more people. I have continued my involvement in youth social action since then as I completed the NCS programme over the Summer. This involved me benefitting my local community by refurbishing a mental health safe space at a local allotment. This was great as it has made me feel like I have had a lasting impact on my community.

I would like to see more respect for creative and practical subjeAActs in education. Often, schools tend to push students towards studying subjects such as science and maths because they are seen as “better” subjects to be qualified in despite subjects like music being proven to stimulate parts of the brain that no other subject can. Without this change, there will be a deficit of people working in creative industries in the future and when this sector contributes so much to our economy this cannot happen.

I would like to be #iwill Young Advisor because it gives students a voice so they feel that they have an opinion and that they are being listened to and understood which is incredibly important because we are the next generation that will be influencing communities across the country. It would give me an opportunity to give me experience and help me gain more confidence which I can use later in life, for my later years here in Ormiston Venture Academy with things such as being a prefect, senior prefect and head girl opportunities, future college place, and university. This would also help me gain confidence in my student voice and opinions into my college and university life which can support many students in the settings.

I would like to join the impact and outcome group because I would like to make sure that the students have a say in what they would like to do and help them feel that they are safe in our school and the community and there are people that can help them if they need support or help.

I joined youth social action in order to better myself and my community while learning new things about the people around me. I want to be able to empower those around me will boosting my own self confidence. I enjoy being able to listen to others ideas and points of view in areas I’m not knowledgeable in and being able to also use my voice for positive change. I enjoy reading multiple types of books, playing games ,doing sports. On Saturdays I attend theatre/acting classes followed by some swimming and on weekdays I partake in multiple clubs such as karate, netball and rounders. I enjoy participating in group activities but I also enjoy the comfort of my home with family.

” I would like to see people my age be able to gain the confidence to be able to voice their opinions freely and take action to fight what they think is best for their community “

I enjoy participating in multiple sports such as netball and basketball! One of my aspirations is to be able to help educate people around the globe on gender inequality. I am also passionate about my studies, I took psychology, business and computer science as my GSCE options since I’m very interested in them.
I got involved in #WeWill because I am very passionate about fighting for gender inequality and women’s rights! I believe it is important to write & speak about inequality to be able to spread awareness and educate the public about this worldwide issue. By understanding the full scope of this problem, people from all around the globe will have the empowerment to take action and fight for equality.

One positive change I would like to see in my future is to continue to develop my confidence and my voice to fight for what I believe in. Alongside this, I would like to help others speak their opinion and to help them feel confident to do so.

I wish to pursue this opportunity to be a young advisor to help inspire other students and future generations to get involved in Youth Social Action. Not only do I wish to inspire others to do amazing things; I want to make a difference. I want to be the person who speaks their mind for the better of others. I want to be the person who feels confident enough to be able to stand up for what is right, and I believe the Ormiston young advisors’ group can help me do this. Not only would a position like this enable me to speak for what is right, it would allow me to make the change I strive to make. Furthermore, although I have gained lots of experience through various opportunities, I would relish this particular one and be hugely grateful.

” Youth Social Action is astronomically important to young people, as we are the ones who must choose to take the first step for change. Whether that being through campaigning for an issue to be solved or to leave an anonymous note about a problem. Us, as students, need to be the people to raise awareness, because if we fail to do this, nothing can be solved for our colleagues. Not only does Social Action allow pupils to voice the current climate in schools, it gives them: opportunities; strength; and courage that they can never un-learn or forget. It gives them skills that they can take to future employers to help them earn their dream job. However, it may even just give them the determination to keep going when times are at their lowest. “

I like to listen to and perform music. I have a hydro pool that I enjoy going in. I love spending time with my family and friends. I’ve just got a new bike which I love going out on. I’m currently doing a 50 mile challenge for May and I’ve already cycled 44 miles! I like going out to various activities, art, music, sailing. This is then utilised and acted upon in youth social action meetings – making a difference to current young people’s education.

” I have been involved in some music festivals. I was asked to video a day in my life so other students across the country could get idea of what I need to have a fulfilling life. I have spent time with younger children, showing them my communication device. I would like more awareness of different communication aids and for people to understand how they work. “

I was born in the United States. I’m currently studying French and International Politics.I enjoy reading and writing, travelling and seeing live music. My previous social action experience includes, leading a team to create and distribute care packages for local people in need. In group projects I have helped to create and promote a community talk with specialists about mental health, been involved in an advisory project about connecting young people and green spaces in their communities.

I know as a young adult in today’s society that people of my age are starting to reject the advice given by adults more and more each day and I believe that the only way to combat this is through advice coming from individuals of the same age. I believe that I would fulfil this role to its fullest. I am incredibly passionate about giving people my age the support they deserve, the support that some people neglect giving to them and the support that is necessary for young adults to rise above the challenges they face so that they can integrate themselves into our inherently scary world. Furthermore, I believe that individuals my age who may lack the confidence to speak up for themselves need someone to advise them and help them realise where their shortcomings may be so that they can learn from their mistakes and thrive. I know that this role is far larger than people could comprehend as those who fulfil it aren’t only helping the individuals they talk to directly, but more macrocosmically, the future generations of students meandering their way through their educational journey.

” I know that we need to take action to help improve the lives of not only the students in our schools, but those in the communities of our schools and to provide opportunities that some unlucky children could never dream of. And, as disheartening as that image is, I know that the impact we create through social action and the opportunities it provides will allow some of those children to expect more, reach higher, and think more of themselves and begin to move in the right direction. This is why social action is not only important to young people, but in fact, a necessity! “

I have always been passionate about the local community and working alongside charities within the local area, I have recently become part of the Leo’s Club which works alongside the Lions club in fundraising for worthy causes. This has inspired me to work towards my aspiration of becoming a Human Rights Lawyer either at a local firm or a bigger firm in London as I would love to work in a big city.
One possible change that I would like to see in the future is the further involvement of students within local communities and that students can have their voice heard on a higher level within schools and local communities, allowing them to implement projects that they believe will be beneficial for the other students that they work alongside. I have always been passionate about mental health within schools, especially after the covid period, I have worked on this throughout my time in leadership roles for OAT and hope that others will have the same passion and carry on this improvement in schools across the county.

” I am involved with the #WeWill and Youth Social Action projects as I have seen the positive impact that they have had on me including improved confidence and help with reaching my aspirations. Seeing the impact that it has had on the students that work within the projects has inspired me to continue to work within these opportunities. “

I’m training to be a musical theatre performer so in my spare time I love watching shows and practicing dancing/singing/acting. I also love walking dogs and do it as my part time job. At secondary school, I took part in a project where we pitched ideas for change in Birmingham to a panel of judges. Our group made it to the final where and taking part in this project was a valuable experience as it allowed me to hear what other young people in Birmingham are passionate about. I’ve also been a student rep this year at drama school which I’ve really enjoyed as I’ve seen the school implement changes that the students in my year have proposed to the reps. Something I’m really passionate about is bringing more value to the arts within society and using it to boost mental health within communities. I also think the arts should be more accessible to children from disadvantaged backgrounds as it can be such an amazing outlet and help develop so many valuable skills.

Phoebe L. Hanson is a climate activist who co-coordinates Mock COP, a youth climate conference engaging youth from over 140 countries. Attending COP26, she co-convened a ministerial event on climate education. She has reached thousands of young people, business leaders, and political figures. In her free time, she enjoys exercising and going on walks.
Phoebe co-coordinates Mock COP, a climate conference that engaged over 300 young people from over 140 countries as delegates to negotiate 18 policies from the youth of the world. Phoebe campaigns around these policies with Mock COP, as well as pushing for meaningful youth inclusion in climate decision-making. At COP26, she collaborated with the UK Department for Education, the Italian Government and UNESCO to build ‘Together for Tomorrow’, the first joint event of education and environment ministers to upscale climate teaching and learning, facilitating pledges from 25 countries. Phoebe consults with the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, designing and testing ways to involve young people in their work and improving their funding practices. She also leads the Dais Speakers Agency at youth-led organisation Force of Nature, training and platforming 16-30-year-old changemakers. Phoebe sits as Trustee of Raleigh International, a youth movement-building charity focused on sustainable development.

” As a Young Advisor, I hope to connect with teachers and students from across the country, understand their experiences and incorporate my own to develop the Ormiston Trust’s organizational strategy. “

I have always had a passion for social action and making a change and have been more involved with OAT since participating in the regional student leadership team for the east region throughout lockdown. I am so honoured to be further involved in OAT and am determined to make a difference, my main focus being equality and diversity. I believe that everyone should get their voice heard and have a chance to thrive in a learning environment. I have learned to make the most of the opportunities I have been given, participating in many councils at my school as well as being head ambassador for creativity and equality.

I would love to give back to OAT for the many opportunities they have provided, as well as getting more involved in social action as I progress in my education. My hobbies include art and going on walks, as well as some occasional wild swimming!

I’m Oscar, a young actor and creative working towards making theatre, and making change! I’m really passionate about providing opportunities for young people around the city I’m based in to make sure there’s equitable access to the performing and creative arts. Not only that, But I have a strong passion for making society in general as equitable as possible, so being part of a social action advisory council is the best possible place for me! I am looking forward to the time spent working on making a difference, and funding projects that I’m passionate about.

Poppy is the Youth Engagement and Partnership Officer at Ormiston Trust, responsible for coordinating our team of Young Advisors and developing effective working relationships with external organisations. She is currently studying ‘Politics, International Studies and Global Sustainable Development’ at Warwick University and previously worked as Board Advisor for a non-profit youth-focused organisation in Croydon. She has experience in activism work – attending COP26 with environmental education company Force of Nature and had been a member of the UK Youth Parliament for many years, speaking on environmental issues in the House of Commons for its ‘Make Your Mark’ campaign.

Tom heads up Comms and Youth Engagement here at Ormiston Trust. His role focuses mainly on helping run the Youth Advisory Council, as well as heading up our social media accounts and planning events. His creative roots lie in journalism, music and theatre as well as horticulture and creative producing, having been involved in a variety of workshops and projects. Tom is passionate about the environment and politics and received his undergraduate degree from the University of Birmingham in International Relations.

Anne is Finance Manager at Ormiston Trust and has worked for Ormiston Trust for over 30 years, overseeing the property portfolio and asset management. She combines her work at the Trust with voluntary community work and has raised thousands of pounds to enhance leisure and education opportunities for young people in disadvantaged communities.