About Us
The Ormiston Trust believes in a future where all young people can lead fulfilling lives. By being equipped with the right tools and support, young people and their families can become empowered to make a positive difference on the issues that affect their lives, their communities, and broader society.
Over the last 40 years, we have been providing added value support, resources, and funding for projects and institutions to achieve these goals. We are proud supporters of Ormiston Families and sponsors of three Multi Academy Trusts – Ormiston Academies Trust, Gateway Learning Community, and Birmingham Ormiston Academies—which together support over 40,000 young people. We know that by partnering with and investing in schools, charities, and organisations, we can make a difference together.
One of our key programmes over the last six years has been uniting young people with a shared belief in the power of youth social action. This programme takes a lead from young people, who can both develop their skills, resilience, and wellbeing and create change to tackle issues they care about.
Young people should never be underestimated, but they need our help. Please get in touch with our Head of Education, Aneela Bukhari, or our CEO, James Murray, if you would like to discuss working together.
Improving Life Chances
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YSA Resources
YSA Resources
#We Will Campaign
The Youth Charter
The Ormiston #WeWill youth social action campaign empowers young people to help others, use their voice and develop critical life skills.
Founded Organisations
Since it began in 1969, Ormiston Trust has founded four more organisations:
- Ormiston Families
- Ormiston Academies Trust
- Gateway Learning Community
- Birmingham Ormiston Academy
Our Causes
Areas We Support
Wellbeing and resilience
Family, community and interpersonal relationships
Voice, action, and agency
Careers, employability skills and vocational learning
Personal, social, and emotional life skills
Creativity, arts, and culture
Assessing the impact on the COVID-19 crisis on vulnerable groups across our network
young people and families supported
projects funded
since 2015
in funding granted since 2015
Where We Work
Funded Projects and Schools
Partner Organisations
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