The fourth round of exciting updates from OAT schools are outlined below!
New sixth form block at City of Norwich School
Last week the City of Norwich school celebrated the opening of their newly built sixth form block- the Elkins Centre.
The new facility has four new classrooms, a study centre and a cafe area. The opening of the new facility will allow the school to expand its teaching provision for A-level students.
The building is named after the school’s longest-serving former headmaster Dr Tom Elkins. Dr Elkins was the headmaster of the City of Norwich School for 22 years and was instrumental in building its reputation for providing excellent education.
Dr Elkins was present at the unveiling of the new block last week, as well as the Lord Mayor of Norwich and more than 50 members of the CNS community. Current headteacher Jo Philpott and director of sixth form Kate Nichols both delivered speeches at the event.
Headteacher Jo Philpott, said: “It was a delight to welcome Dr Tom Elkins, his family, and members of the wider CNS community to join us for this happy occasion. Dr Elkin’s leadership shaped and impacted the lives of countless students and staff who remember him with respect and fondness. The new facilities reflect the true value we place on enable current and future students in enabling them to be successful and in empowering all students to be Excellent in All.”
Click here to read more about the unveiling and the impressive accomplishments of the City of Norwich school on the Ormiston Academies Trust website.
Ormiston Endeavor Academy awarded as LGTBQ+ champions
Recently, Ormiston Endeavour Academy was awarded the Stonewall School and College Champion Gold Award. The award is in recognition of the academy’s commitment to supporting and celebrating diversity in the LGBTQ+ community.
The academy’s work in supporting their LGBTQ+ community started with a student-driven enrichment initiative and the appointment of student ambassadors. This led them to be the first lead school for Suffolk Pride and receiving the Diana Award for Anti-Bullying.
The academy has continued support of LGBTQ+ students and created an inclusive environment for students allowing them to receive 64 out of 70 marks to receive the Gold award. The Stonewall organization provided feedback that staff training demonstrated a school-wide approach to supporting LGBTQ+ children and young people and that measures at the school built LGBTQ+ student confidence.
Principal Jamie Daniels said: “I am delighted to see that our projects, which were created based on our student’s voices, have had such a positive impact and will continue to do so for a long time to come. It is fantastic that Stonewall has acknowledged the culture of kindness and respect we seek to foster for all students.”
To read more about the criteria for the award visit the full article on the Ormiston Academies Trust website here.