For this week’s eco-Thursday post, we wanted to showcase a couple of opportunities for young people in our network and around the UK to get involved with social action and campaigning around the climate crisis.
COP26 is due to be held in Glasgow in November, and Votes for Schools have created a pack of resources for schools, teachers, and students to use to create conversations and have their voices heard.
Votes for Schools are an organisation which create resources about current affairs for discussions in schools. They have an online voting platform where – after discussions, deliberation, and debate – students can vote on the issues they care about. In September, Votes for Schools are letting students vote on environmental issues to inform the COP26 conference – all results will be shared with the UK’s UNICEF team! See more information here.
Another opportunity is linked to the national #iWill campaign. #iWill are recruiting ambassadors between the ages of 10-25 to lead social action in their communities for the next year. As well as giving a voice to social and environmental issues in your area, ambassadors will develop leadership, public speaking, and organisational skills. Tackling climate change and environmental problems is one of the core action areas of #iWill, so any budding or established young climate activists should definitely apply! See more information here.