Wellbeing and resilience
The World Health Organisation defines wellbeing as ‘the state in which… Boost wellbeing at Ormiston Trust! Enhance social-emotional skills…
Family, community and interpersonal relationships
The family, community and interpersonal relationships focus area is Nurture family, community & interpersonal relationships with Ormiston…
Voice, action, and agency
Youth voice is defined as ‘views of children that are actively heard and valued as a substantive contribution to decisions affecting their lives’…
Careers, employability skills and vocational learning
Careers, employability skills and vocational learning encompasses careers and skills education provided to young people to help them…
Personal, social, and emotional life skills
Personal, social and emotional life skills are three “soft skills”. Personal skills refer empower students with life skills at Ormiston Trust! Explore…
Creativity, arts, and culture
Creativity, arts and culture refer to activities that foster creativity, allow unleash creativity with Ormiston Trust! Discover arts & culture…
Physical health and sport
Physical health and sport is an important component for young people boost physical health & sports participation for students at…
Hobbies, life experience and adventure
Hobbies are defined as any enjoyable leisure activity that we engage in learn how Ormiston Trust’s Hobbies, Life Experience, and Adventure…
The environment focus discover the positive environment impacts of Ormiston Trust’s initiatives. Learn how we’re creating a greener…
Inclusion, diversity, and equality
Fundamentally, inclusion, diversity and equality is about considering uncover Ormiston Trust’s work in Inclusion, Diversity, and Equality, creating…