City of Norwich School receive three Awards
Staff and students at City of Norwich School (CNS) received three prestigious awards of the Artsmark Platinum Award, the Gold Standard Science mark and the Quality in Careers Standard Award.
The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools accredited by Arts Council England. In achieving the award the school received the highest possible standard on Arts due to the steps it has taken to integrate arts and culture into the curriculum. This has included working with the local Rotary Club to co-design creative competitions and empowering 30 KS3 students to participate in the National Theatre.
The Gold Standard in Science Mark reflects the school’s strong Teaching. This award is created by the National STEM Learning Centre and Network and assessors concluded the teachers knew their subjects well and a strong understanding of investigative and enquiry skills were demonstrated.
Lastly, the Quality in Career standard is the national quality award for careers education in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning. This award reflects CNS’s fantastic careers programme that’s having a positive impact on pupils to think about their next steps.
To read more about CNS’s achievements visit the Ormiston Academies Trust website here.
Ormiston Bridge Academy positive Ofsted inspection
Ormiston Bridge Academy has been praised by Ofsted following its last inspection.
The praise included that students enjoy coming to the academy and feel cared for by staff and supported with their wellbeing. Inspectors also noted that teachers go above and beyond to provide the best educational opportunities for students and make decisions to ensure students are successful in learning.
The report verifies the hard work the academy does to identify what is best for individual students and tailoring its provision to suit student needs.
Ziah Raphael, principal at Ormiston Bridge Academy said: “I’m so proud of everyone at Ormiston Bridge Academy for this result; I’m particularly pleased to see recognition of our staff’s dedication to students and their willingness to go the extra mile.
“I’m very grateful to all of our students, staff, parents/carers, the Trust and Governors and wider academy community for their support in helping us achieve this – at Ormiston Bridge Academy our sense of community is essential to what we do and intrinsic to our achievements, so we are always appreciative for all the support we receive.”
To read more about the glowing report visit the Ormiston Academies Website here